Community gardens celebrate a productive year

iStock_000004625718XLargeParticipants of all ages gathered at the community garden behind Marysville Place on Saturday, October 18 to celebrate the year’s yield, clean up garden plots for winter, and throw a garlic planting party.

The purpose of the event was to motivate people to get their community plots ready to winter and to educate gardeners about what they can plant in fall for next year’s harvest. One notable crop is garlic, as such NB Community Harvest Gardens used this as an opportunity to spread some knowledge of winter crops.

The garlic planted this weekend was for the ‘market garden,’ a portion of the garden that allows people to buy produce by donation. The idea for this section of the garden came after a particularly good harvest and decreased funds after the NB Community Harvest Gardens didn’t get one of the grants they usually rely on to keep the non-profit effort running. Thanks to the market garden efforts almost $1000 was raised for the organization.

NB Community Harvest Gardens works with food banks and other organizations across the city to raise awareness of food security. They also hold a variety of workshops to inspire people to search out more local options and become more self-reliant when it comes to what they eat.

For more informations on workshops, community gardens, or volunteer opportunities, visit the NB Community Harvest Gardens website at

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